Make a refund

In this guide, you will learn how to refund a transaction for a payment you have already processed. You will go through the following steps:

  1. Look up a transaction ID (Optional)
  2. Refund a transaction by using one of the available options:

When you complete these steps, the payment you have previously processed through SumUp will be refunded either partially or in full.

Before you begin

Here are the things that you need in order to complete the steps in this guide:


1. Look up a transaction ID

To look up the identifier of a transaction for a payment checkout you have already completed, make a GET request to the{id} endpoint, where the value of the {id} path parameter is the identifier of the checkout resource.

Following is a sample request for retrieving a checkout:

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $SUMUP_API_KEY'
ctx := context.Background()
client := sumup.NewClient().WithAuth(os.Getenv("SUMUP_API_KEY"))

checkout, err := client.Checkouts.Get(ctx, "4ebc2ed7-bb8c-4d4d-a110-08fd31301bf2")
$checkoutsService = $sumup->getCheckoutService();
$response = $checkoutsService->findById('4ebc2ed7-bb8c-4d4d-a110-08fd31301bf2');
$checkoutReference = $response->getBody()->checkout_reference;
$checkoutId = $response->getBody()->id;

The response contains a JSON body with the full details of the processed checkout resource. You can find the transaction ID in the id attribute of the respective transaction resource (664200af-2b62-4142-9c73-a2a505310d78 in the sample response below).

  "checkout_reference": "CO287866",
  "id": "4ebc2ed7-bb8c-4d4d-a110-08fd31301bf2",
  "transactions": [
      "id": "664200af-2b62-4142-9c73-a2a505310d78",

2. Refund a transaction

You can use one the two available options for refunding a processed transaction:

Option A: Make a full refund

To make a full refund for a processed transaction, make a POST request with an empty request body to the{txn_id} endpoint, where the value of the {txn_id} path parameter is the identifier of the transaction resource.

Following is a sample request for making a full refund for the transaction with identifier 664200af-2b62-4142-9c73-a2a505310d78:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $SUMUP_API_KEY'
ctx := context.Background()
client := sumup.NewClient().WithAuth(os.Getenv("SUMUP_API_KEY"))

_, err := client.Transactions.Refund(ctx, "19aa3cca-89f6-42d2-b462-463b0b53e959", sumup.RefundTransactionBody{})
$transactionsService = $sumup->getTransactionService();
$response = $transactionsService->refund('19aa3cca-89f6-42d2-b462-463b0b53e959');

The response returns a 204 HTTP status code and contains no body.

Option B: Make a partial refund

To make a partial refund for a processed transaction, make a POST request to the{txn_id} endpoint, where the value of the {txn_id} path parameter is the identifier of the transaction resource.

Unlike the option for a full refund, the request body for partial refunds should be a JSON object with the amount you want to refund for the transaction.

Following is a sample request for making a partial refund for the amount of 24.42 EUR:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $SUMUP_API_KEY'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"amount": 24.42}'
ctx := context.Background()
client := sumup.NewClient().WithAuth(os.Getenv("SUMUP_API_KEY"))

amount := 12.24
client.Transactions.Refund(ctx, "sa", sumup.RefundTransactionBody{
	Amount: &amount,
$transactionsService = $sumup->getCheckoutService();
$response = $transactionsService->refund('19aa3cca-89f6-42d2-b462-463b0b53e959', 24.42);

The response returns a 204 HTTP status code and contains no body.


You have successfully refunded a transaction (either partially or in full) for a payment you previously processed. The refunded amount will be credited to the same payment method the customer had used to pay with in the original transaction. The processing fees associated with the original transaction are not returned.